Read about The Theory of Interest first, if you've come here because of women. Otherwise, check the table of contents. Despite model scenarios, you can lose some illusions here.

Pokud jste tu kvůli ženám, přečtěte si, o čem Teorie zájmu vlastně je. Jinak zkuste rovnou obsah. Ač uvedené jsou modelové situace, nedivte se, když tu přijdete o iluze.

Abbreviations and Syntax  

Posted by SomeoneCZ in ,

Not every listed abbreviation is directly used in The Theory of Interest. Yet, they are in use in various discussions about the theory itself, or where the theory is used to address a particular problem. The given list states official abbreviations only.

1 - 10Rating of woman’s attractiveness. The greater value, the more attractive she is. If there’s a prefix (UG – Ugly Girl, NG – Normal Girl, HB – Hot Babe, SHB – Super Hot Babe), it is a rating in the eyes of a wide audience. The rating is always subjective, when given by single person only. It is only about the look, as it does not cover her attitude.
0% - 100%Interest Level accordingly to The System [2]. ILTS = (ILTI+100)*0.5 for ILTS>=40%
-100% - 100%Interest Level accordingly to The Theory of Interest. ILTI = ILTS*2-100 for ILTS>=40%
ILInterest Level
PILPersonal Interest Level in a particular person
RILRelationship Interest Level in a relationship with a particular person
msRMiss Right
msWMiss Wrong (choice)
TSThe System
TI aka TZThe Theory of Interest (Teorie Zájmu in Czech)

Interest Level Postfix

+Interest Level is in positive numbers after an action
++Interest Level increased after an action
-Interest Level is in negative numbers after an action
--Interest Level decreased after an action

Interest Level Prefix

+Interest Level was in positive numbers prior an action
++Interest Level increased prior an action
-Interest Level was in negative numbers prior an action
--Interest Level decreased prior an action

The action might be understood as a particular time point. To say that her interest level is in positive numbers, we write IL>0, or +IL without giving any specification about change’s time point. Literally, it is "Positive Interest Level", ie. +IL.

To say that interest level increased by some difference, ΔIL from IL' to IL, we write IL = IL' + ΔIL and + symbol neither stands for prefix nor postfix. To use it as a postfix, or prefix, use brackets. For instance, (IL+) = (+IL) + ΔIL. Notice that += might stand for add and assign operation, e.g. in [85]. If we are not concerned about ΔIL, then it is sufficient to write IL++, eventually +IL++. To send her interest level below the point of no return, i.e. zero, it means to write +IL-- → IL-.

Yes, Theory of Interest uses Temporal Logic [86, 87]. Perhaps, the most famous invariant could be written as following: -PIL → PIL-.

It is not obligatory to use abbreviations,
and bear in mind that not everybody
would understand them without a proper comment,
especially the TI++ syntax.

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